to do list to get ready for our open studios five weeks from today!
update 10/08/10: only 23 days away!update 16/08/10: only 17 days left!update 19/08/10: two weeks left!Update: It's TOMORROW!I will be ticking things off as fast as I can. Lots to do!
(I have a feeling I will be adding a few more tasks as well.)
Is there anything I have forgotten?
For the art:-Finish making work. Leave time for oil to dry. Pick a day to stop painting so I can start on the rest of the stuff.update 09/08/10: Still painting!update 15/08/10: Still painting!update 19/08/10: last day of painting will be Sunday.-Varnish-Sign-Paint sides if needed-Buy timber and brace wooden painting panels-Attach hanging hardware if not framing and if needed-Photograph
-Name the work and add to records-Frame some works on paper (6 big A1) have ordered frames and measured for mounts-Make reproduction prints? No.For the studio:-Take down winter draperies-Put unfinished work in the loft to store it-Remove old screws from walls and patch and paint-Repair canvas storage rack-Decide on work to hang and placement, install. Put rest in loft.-Make labels and price list
-Package unframed works on paper and put in the print rack? -No.
-Make copies of CV, etc.
-Write statements about 2 series of work: Place and Elusive Memory
-Tidy and pack away-Scrub floor
-Ladder and light bulbs-Make book table display
-Prepare refreshments
-Take photos
-Chose outfitsFor Art in the Corridor Sale:
-Choose 2 paintings, and replacements if those sell
-Take photos of my work
-Send photos and label info for website and labels
-Deliver for hanging
For open studio committee:-Schedule-Rota-Post hard copies of all info on bulletin board-Reminders
-Write door and sales procedure signs
-Final decisions on invite and press release-Organise prizes for Kid's Quiz
For publicity:-Invite everyone!-Send out press release.-Announce/post show everywhere-Tweet/post regularly
-Post invites to galleries-Create Facebook event pageOther:-No new phone to Tweet from til after Sep. :(
-Get contents insurance sorted
-Install dust filter in corner